Bathtub, Beach and Bocce Balls

     Some people say Lake Superior is a fountain of youth. The lake awakens creativity. The light acknowledges forgotten corners. A walk to the shore makes the world appear fresh.
     Every time our family visits this part of Lake Superior we laugh, make up plays, tell stories, look at the lake and, of course, trek to the beach. One annual pilgrimage is the journey to the Sand River beach which also is the portal to one of Superior’s finest treasure houses—Bathtub Island. I have written about Bathtub Island many times before but, since it renews each year, I must write about it again.
     For our trip there, we load up our bags and packs with blankets, towels, sandwiches and various versions of toys and games. Small purple and yellow plastic pails for building sand castles, a set of bocce balls, big and little Frisbees and a nerf football are part of the paraphernalia which we haul along the sandy pathway down the dunes and along the beach until we get to our chosen spot.      This year the wind was cool, so after dragging over extra logs to sit on, we erected a wind break with blankets draped over driftwood walls. But we needed some ties to attach the blanket to the driftwood. The island gods must have heard us talking because one of us went swimming and discovered a bundle of short blue ropes in the water!
     Once we had our space figured out, each one of us established his/her own way on the beach. Bocce balls clunked together and debate ensued as to whose ball was closest to the bellini. Little fingers dug deep holes in the sand and the fire keeper kept flames going so smoke didn’t fill the eyes of the person who was sitting downwind of the pit. Then the food came out and we tried to keep sand out of the sandwiches. There were races up and down the water’s edge but all the while that glorious place offshore beckoned.
     There is something magical about Bathtub Island as hundreds of people now know. At one time, about 20 years ago, the tiny rock and three treed place felt the feet of few folks. Today streams of pilgrims venture to its shore and become renewed. In the middle of the island is a shallow sandy pool where young children can splash to contentment while adults can dive off the far side into crystal clear freezing water. The day we were there a couple of brave souls swam to the large whale-like rock off the west side of the island, but most ran around to enjoy the expansive view from all sides. And those who couldn’t stand the cold 50 meter wade to the island stayed on the shore and took it all in with a smile and awe.

     The island is a funny place. It reminds you of being on another planet, of being removed from stresses of life and organized leisure. Yet the rocky outcrop is so small and so close to the shore. Perhaps because the island is devoid of colourful plastic (no one takes or needs a toy out there) or maybe it is the challenge of the cold, suck- in- your- stomach walk out there that creates the special feeling. However, there’s one thing with no debate. Bathtub Island is a magnet. Add to that the presence of the children, with their laughter and sheer joy as they make their long run down the beach and the spell is cast. So thanks Kids for making us feel like kids again.